Full Stack
Software Engineer

I break down complex problems into easier to digest things that can be tackled head on. With a lifetime of working with others to meet their needs, you can count on me to figure out how to implement what you want.

My Recent Works
These are some of the projects I've worked on recently, please enjoy them!

A group project clone of KickStarter using Javascript, React, Redux, Python, Flask, SQLAlchemy, PostgreSQL, Render, HTML5, CSS3

A video game focused clone of Reddit for where you can make communities, posts, and comments to your heart's content. Made using Javascript, React, Redux, Python, Flask, SQLAlchemy, PostgreSQL, Render, HTML5, CSS3

live previewProject Description
This was a KickStarter clone done with a group of two other developers over the course of a week. We used a variety of technologies to make this project come to life, such as Javascript, React, Redux, Python, Flask, SQLAlchemy, PostgreSQL, Render, HTML5, CSS3.
The story
We were given the task to make this application after spending only a couple of weeks learning Python and Flask. We were able to make a fully functioning clone of KickStarter in a week, and we were able to learn a lot about how to work with a team and how to use new technologies in a short amount of time. It definitely had its challenges, but we were able to overcome them and make a great project, and a have a fantastically fun time along the way.
We took a strong group approach, especially in the early stages with setting up foundations that the entire project needed to function at all. We were able to divide up the remaining work in a way that made sense for all of us, and were able to help each other out whenever we ran into hard to solve bugs.

live previewProject Description
This is a full-stack clone of Reddit with a focus on video-game communities. It was made using Javascript, React, Redux, Python, Flask, SQLAlchemy, PostgreSQL, Render, HTML5, CSS3. It was conceived, planned, and executed by me over the course of two weeks. This was the final example of demonstrating everything I had learned in my time with App Academy.
As stressful as it was to implement, I had a lot of fun building this app from the ground up. Given a team and sufficient time, I daresay we could make a perfect clone of Reddit. For what I was able to accomplish in such a short time though, I am proud.
The story
I jumped right into this one from the group project just finishing. It was immediately a thought to get a project proposal on the board, including my database schema, features required, bonus features, expectations of styling, and a game plan to make sure I was able to efficiently wrap up by the end of the sprint. I spend a day and a half making my proposal and planning out my project, then it was time to really get started. Even with getting sick early on and falling behind where I wanted to be, I managed to work through it and deliver a fully functional product that I am proud of.
I took a very agile approach to this project. In the past with learning, it was always hammered to do a waterfall approach, but I found this new approach much more efficient. I was able to get a lot more done in a lot less time, and I was able to make a lot more progress in a lot less time. If I had gone with my old approach of things, I'm not sure I would have effectively been able to catch up after getting sick, or have an easy time adjusting api routes or flask models when needed for certain situations.
My Skills
My skills that I've developed and maintained over time.
Let’s work together!
I can problem solve almost anything given to me! I promise a product that will be functional and efficient. I am always open to new ideas and projects. I am excited to work with you!
+1 224 325 5768 -